Click to harvest contiguous fields of one type of crop icon from the enchanted forest. If there are three or more icons in the field, you'll pick it clean--but you'll only be able to keep the harvest for yourself if your harvest is only three icons! Otherwise you'll give it to the fae court as tribute, wasting your energy (and subtracting points from your score).

You can also click the button at the bottom of the screen to change from harvesting to tilling the crops. When tilling, when you click a two-by-two square of crops, the four crops will be rotated twice. Fields that have been harvested from will also grow further crops after tilling. You can only till three times before winter comes and ends the game, so choose wisely!

Credits: All icons used in this game come from, where they were licensed under a CC BY 3.0 license. Specifically, the peach, pear, and hanging vines icons are by delapouite, and the apple, honey, acorn, and grapes icons are by Lorc.

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